Student life

At Vidyalankar School of Information Technology, the concept of aiming for 'student delight' nurtures a progressive student-centric learning environment at the institute. A well-planned curriculum offering the latest on the technological front, expert guidance from experienced faculty, an aesthetically appealing campus equipped with all modem amenities, a wide range of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and a plethora of opportunities to enrich one's personality make one’s educational experience at Vidyalankar a truly rewarding one.

VSIT offers a vibrant and secure campus life to students. If one is interested in creating applications using technology, organize a workshop, play the guitar, lose oneself in a novel, pursue a hobby, participate in a sport, dance or brainstorm for ideas with friends, one will feel at home in VSIT! The Institute delights students with its stimulating learning atmosphere, well-equipped labs, library with a priceless treasure of books, modern food courts, lounge areas, gymkhana, play grounds, landscaped gardens and ample parking areas.