Lifelong Learning & extension Unit



Ms. Sandip Khandekar


The Department of Lifelong learning and Extension (DLLE) established on October 12, 1978 and has been recognized as a of Statutory Department of the University of Mumbai since 1994 to promote a meaningful and sustained rapport between the Universities and the community. .


Promoting the aims and values of human development in community colleges and universities. Providing a forum and placed for the exchange of ideas, innovation, research and students. Increasing the representative voice of those traditionally undeserved and ignored in society Encouraging interaction, support and networking among all student affairs professionals. Providing and opportunity for mental health professional to become involved in participatory leadership. Identifying suitable mode of counseling .


  • College level activities: Carrier Fair, Carrier Talk(Vocational Career Oriented Projects), Street Play

  • Area based activities: Awareness program.