Staff Development Committee


Mr. Laxmikant Manchekar


The Staff Development Committee aims to initiate and act upon several measures for the benefit and development of the staff. The main priority of this committee is to enhance their personality in a comprehensive way by undertaking Short Term Training programs, Workshops etc. that will ensure their growth and development in a wholesome manner. 


To encourage the teaching faculty to

  • Pursue continuous up gradation in their technical knowledge and skills to impart latest knowledge to the students. 
  • Pursue higher education for career growth 
  • Pursue efforts for improvement in soft skills and personality  
  • Participate in research oriented / technical consultancy activities 


  • Arrange technical activities, lectures, etc.  

  • Arrange visits to industry, laboratories, etc. for exposure to better and bigger environment 

  • Arrange sessions especially to encourage teachers for research, paper writing/publishing activities 

  • Arrange talks be eminent personalities / best teacher awardee’s to inspire teachers. 

  • Provide information and facilitate qualification improvement 

  • Provide information and facilitate participation in STTP/conferences etc. 

  • Provide guidance so that teacher can play role as mentor for students